Friday 16 January 2009

been away

so... i've been away for a while. lots of stuff happening. my first single is finally out. it is apparently going really well. i've heard lots of nice words about it which made me really happy. the single launch at white heat was really good too. thanks a lot to matty, tom and tom, richard and patrick, a grave with no name, radiant dragon and everyone who came down. and, of course, daniel 'lo strato'!! it was nice to do my single launch at white heat. that's were i played my first show 14 months ago. it was quite romantic. like completing a circle... anyway, here some AWESOME photos from the night. right now i'm recording the vocals for the next record. it will be a 12" with 4 songs and a remix i think. yeah, infact some amazing people are remixing mr no.
some london shows coming out and i will tour when the 12" is out. i think it should be out march/april.
if you go HERE you can listen to the 7" and two unreleased banjo songs (an old song called 'dear me' and my first and probably only song in itailan EVER).
some recent press:
More Intelligent Life/The Economist
The Music Magazine
Time Out
This Is Fake Diy
The Pix Zine
banjo love/A