Wednesday, 30 May 2012

I've made a mix for WALLS. Have a listen below:

01 Günter Schickert - Apricot Brandy
02 Sturm - Untitled V
03 Suzanne Ciani - Clean Room
04 Todd Terje - Swing Star (part 1)
05 Peter Baumann - Romance
06 Arnold Dreyblatt - Animal Magnetism
07 Träd, Gräs Och Stenar - Sanningens Silverflod
08 Robert Fripp - Water Music 1
09 Bochum Welt - Feelings On A Screen
10 Moondog - Tugboat Toccata

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Hey everyone
Hope you're doing well. 
Banjo is been quiet for a while since I've been quite busy with WALLS but don't despair! 
Banjo will be reactivating soon, more news to come...